08 March 2010
And the Oscar Goes To...
1:57 PM | Signed
Kelsea D |
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Sunday, March 7 was closing night of Antigone, our beautiful college play...how fitting that it was also Oscar night. (If Antigone had been a film, we SO would have swept the awards!)
What else would one expect a bunch of theater nerds to do at a cast party than geek out about the most successful films of the year? And geek out we did. Accompanied by chocolate chip cookies, organic carrots, and an inordinate amount of shrill giggles (compliments of our FAVORITE girly...) we took in the antics of hosts Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin and ooh-and-aah'ed over our favorite actors and presenters.
Party favorites: Inglorious Basterds, Avatar, and It's Complicated; Meryl Streep, Gaby Sidibe, Queen Latifah, Chris Pine, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Robert Downey Jr; costumes from Nine, music from Up, and make-up from Star Trek.
Some of the best fun of the night came from the fashion icons...and the train wrecks.
The best:
Sandra Bullock, The Blind Side
Her red lipstick sort of reminds me of Lora's as Queen Eurydice....
Penelope Cruz, Nine
So gorgeous...Chloe and I loved her in Vicky Christina Barcelona. I smell an Antigone reunion party when Nine finally comes to video.
Robert Downey Jr., Sherlock Holmes
Who else could pull off the blue bow-tie, excepting Mr. Hottie Robert Downey?
(By the way, I LOVE the shoes.)
Colin Firth, A Single Man
Wow. I mean, WOW. Wow.
And the worst:
(There were a lot of worsts, disappointingly enough. But here are the highlights.)
Zoe Saldana, Avatar
Not gonna lie, I think Zoe Saldana is beautiful, but this dress...was bad. No one could figure out just what she was carrying around down there. It's almost like her dress is half Muppet. Bad, bad, bad, BAD dress.
Miley Cyrus
We couldn't look away from the horror that was Miley for a few reasons:
1) The dress is like a Disney princess bustier. Soooo not cool.
2) She was talking. It's hard not to stare when she talks. Like a traffic accident on your morning commute....
3) Miley Cyrus? At the Oscars? Really?
Jennifer Lopez
I think that Lora's comment sums it all up pretty well: "Her dress has a tumor!"
Sarah Jessica Parker
Racoon eyes, a choking dress appendage, and sex hair. Need I say more?
The fashions of my fellow Antigone cast members proved much more successful.
(Photos to come later! Post to be continued another day!)
What else would one expect a bunch of theater nerds to do at a cast party than geek out about the most successful films of the year? And geek out we did. Accompanied by chocolate chip cookies, organic carrots, and an inordinate amount of shrill giggles (compliments of our FAVORITE girly...) we took in the antics of hosts Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin and ooh-and-aah'ed over our favorite actors and presenters.
Party favorites: Inglorious Basterds, Avatar, and It's Complicated; Meryl Streep, Gaby Sidibe, Queen Latifah, Chris Pine, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Robert Downey Jr; costumes from Nine, music from Up, and make-up from Star Trek.
Some of the best fun of the night came from the fashion icons...and the train wrecks.
The best:

Her red lipstick sort of reminds me of Lora's as Queen Eurydice....

So gorgeous...Chloe and I loved her in Vicky Christina Barcelona. I smell an Antigone reunion party when Nine finally comes to video.

Who else could pull off the blue bow-tie, excepting Mr. Hottie Robert Downey?
(By the way, I LOVE the shoes.)

Wow. I mean, WOW. Wow.
And the worst:
(There were a lot of worsts, disappointingly enough. But here are the highlights.)

Not gonna lie, I think Zoe Saldana is beautiful, but this dress...was bad. No one could figure out just what she was carrying around down there. It's almost like her dress is half Muppet. Bad, bad, bad, BAD dress.

We couldn't look away from the horror that was Miley for a few reasons:
1) The dress is like a Disney princess bustier. Soooo not cool.
2) She was talking. It's hard not to stare when she talks. Like a traffic accident on your morning commute....
3) Miley Cyrus? At the Oscars? Really?

I think that Lora's comment sums it all up pretty well: "Her dress has a tumor!"

Racoon eyes, a choking dress appendage, and sex hair. Need I say more?
The fashions of my fellow Antigone cast members proved much more successful.
(Photos to come later! Post to be continued another day!)
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